
Image of an adorable Aye-Aye

"ayeAyeCoin Love! One coin for you!"

AyeAyeCoin is the first memecoin on Ethereum (deployed 2015!).

It's contract address (ticker $WAAC) is 0x30ae41d5f9988d359c733232c6c693c0e645c77e

For more, read on...

To whom it may concern:§

Announcing the discovery of a Coin of Historical Interest, AyeAyeCoin.

Re-discovered by goatishduck and announced on Twitter on May 26, 2024, the contract for unwrapped AyeAyeCoin was created more than nine years ago and hasn't been interacted with (up until rediscovery) since August of 2015.

For context, that was the month after the launch of Ethereum and before the DAO hack. This coin is ancient ethereum history.

What makes it special?§

Besides being nearly as old as Ethereum itself, this contract contained a working faucet holding the entire supply of AyeAyeCoin, 6 million coins. This faucet was programmed to dispense one coin at a time for anyone willing to pay the gas fees.

And yet, nine years passed before the faucet would be used. Dead in the depths of the ethereum blockchain, the faucet waited...

Until now.

On May 26, 2024, it was re-discovered.

Thus began a period of intense interest by numismatists and speculators alike in using the faucet to obtain these rare, ancient coins.

Wait a second, is this the first meme token on Ethereum?§

The evidence suggests that is.

No one has found an earlier one, but you are welcome to try.

What's an Aye-aye anyway?§

It's a long-fingered lemur from Madagascar, you can read about it on wikipedia.

What's a lemur?§

Very good question, a lemur is a kind of primate. That means AyeAyeCoin is also the first ape coin!

Note: Not technically correct, lemurs are a different suborder of primates than the apes, but close enough.

Fun Aye-aye Facts§

Wait, how do we know this token is called AyeAyeCoin?§

The creator of the coin called the setInfo function with the string:

"Thank you for using AyeAyeCoin! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aye-aye"

How do I get AyeAyeCoin?§

You either get it from the faucet or buy on a dex.

How can I use the faucet?§

Sadly, the faucet is now empty. Do not try to use it!

Historical information about the faucet can be found here.

How much is left in the faucet?§

As of 2024-05-28 09:14 UTC time, the faucet has less than 1 million coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 10:10 UTC time, the faucet has 737,670 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 10:37 UTC time, the faucet has 594,369 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 11:01 UTC time, the faucet has 207,330 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 11:09 UTC time, the faucet has 94,970 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 11:11 UTC time, the faucet has 60,819 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 11:13 UTC time, the faucet has 39,394 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 11:14 UTC time, the faucet has 22,393 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 11:15 UTC time, the faucet has 6,743 coins remaining.

As of 2024-05-28 11:16 UTC time, the faucet has 143 coins remaining.

At 11:16am UTC time on May 28, 2024, after faithfully waiting for 3,201 days and then dutifully disbursing coins for three days, the AyeAyeCoin faucet ran out.

The faucet function now returns "Sorry, the faucet has entirely run dry."*tear*

Why WAAC and not AyeAyeCoin?§

Remember, this coin is ancient. It predates the ERC-20 token standard by over a year!

To make AyeAyeCoin compatible with Uniswap and other platforms, raw AyeAyeCoin must be wrapped with an ERC-20 wrapper. The community has consolidated around the WrappedAyeAyeCoin wrapper.

This is a trustless wrapper that wraps AyeAyeCoin into WAAC (Wrapped AyeAyeCoin) and lets you trade it and move it around. You can unwrap to vanilla AyeAyeCoin at anytime.

Any WAAC you buy on an exchange is already wrapped. If you still have raw AyeAyeCoin from a faucet you can wrap it in order to trade it.

A wrapping/unwrapping frontend by tschoerv is available here.

Where can I trade AyeAyeCoin?§

WAAC's home is on Ethereum, so you can trade on Uniswap or your favorite dex aggregator (Matcha, 1inch)

The contract address for the wrapper token (WAAC) is:


The charts on dexscreener are:

Using the Uniswap v2 pool

Using the Uniswap v3 pool

WAAC on Base§

WAAC is also now bridged to Base using Superchain Bridges, but liquidity is much less than on mainnet, so check prices.

The contract address on BASE is:


You can trade it on Uniswap/Kyber/Matcha.

You can check the charts for base pool here.

What's with the slogan?§

Upon disbursing a coin, the faucet would return the string:

"ayeAyeCoin love! One coin for you!"

What does that even mean?§

Opinions vary, "AyeAyeCoin love!" seems to imply a sense of fraternity between holders of the token.

"One coin for you!" seems to be initiating you into this community with the presentation of a token.

Only 6 million AyeAyeCoins were ever minted, and it's only possible to send whole coins, so there can never be more than 6 million holders.

Will there be one coin for you?

What's so cool about AyeAyeCoin?§

Besides preempting the recent memecoin frenzy by nearly a decade, AyeAyeCoin is not merely a memecoin.

It's a relic coin, an artifact from the dawn of the smart contract era.

It's an ancient coin made by a guy experimenting with the newborn EVM just three weeks after it was launched. When was the last time you used a piece of software from ten years ago? Yet you can interact with the original AyeAyeCoin contract today.

Give me some basic stats about the coin§

Supply is 6 million, all from the faucet.

It can only be transacted in whole coins (not fractions). That's the way the original contract was written.

Some coins are still unwrapped (people who used the faucet but haven't wrapped yet), so some platforms don't calculate the total supply correctly.

Who actually made AyeAyeCoin?§

Shadowy supercoders. No, we are pretty sure it was a dev named linagee, who is known to like Aye-ayes. There are transactions linking him to the deployment wallet.

There is more lore about him out there, and he was involved in some other early ethereum projects of historic interest.

Well then who's in charge?§

The creator is no longer involved with this coin. (remember, it was deployed nine years ago!) The coin is in the hands of a loose coalition of early discoverers and collectors.

It is the most CTO (community takeover) of CTOs, as the coin has been "abandoned" for nearly a decade!


You can watch the latest price on Coingecko and Dexscreener


The official AyeAyeCoin Twitter for the memes.

Telegram group for fellow primates.

Telegram group (中文版)

For the committed and interested numismatist, you can dig into the NFT relics discord #2015-ethcoins channel for discussion.

Email: info@ayeayecoin.xyz


This historic coin takes some skill to handle, and people may try to scam you.

There are copycats and fakers. Accept no imitations, always check the contract address!

ayeAyeCoin love! One coin for you!